We leave in less than 2 weeks...it's craziness!!!!!!!!! I've done more fundraisers (laying sod, bussing tables), sent out more letters, and made lots of phone calls. I'm really trying to get on the ball with raising this money.
I'm not quite sure where I am yet but I know I'll get there.
In other news, My little sister graduated from high school....YAY Courtney!!!!!! She was pretty excited (weren't we all)
Just had a wedding shower for my roommate (i'm always a roommate and never a bride) I'm super happy for her. She's moving out May 31, which means I have to find a way to pay my rent for June (the month I'll be gone to South Africa) and July, cause I have no source of income.
Anyone out there wanna make a donation just let me know. You can donate as well through Paypal or credit card, just see the upper left hand corner (my email is ketagrad01@yahoo.com)
God be my Jehovah Jireh.
That's all for now...more soon!!