Monday, April 27, 2009

i love being a pre-school teacher. so many teachable moments i've experienced from my kiddos.

they forgive easily. they do not hold grudges. they except differences. they love without condition. i understand what Jesus meant when he said we have to be like children to enter into the kingdom.

i pray he keeps me young at heart.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

okay okay

seriously, i'm trying as hard as i can, but this whole blogging thing is not going so well. i'm a journalist. i enjoy using pen and paper, what can i say.

so what's been going on? well for the 2 of you who may read this i'll let you know.

i'm leaving for mozambique in september and am currently raising support (woo hoo! my most favorite thing to do...note the sarcasm)

this time it's not so bad, i actually believe God when he tells me that i will be taken care of. i mean believe believe him, not just know it in my head, but i fell the truth of it resonate in my deep.

it's amazing to me how God proves himself over and over and yet there is still that part of me that is like, "but God what if...." i love his patience. he knows i need it.

oh check out this photo shot for the women's event Emerge at New Life Church.
Justin and John were fabulouso!